I really feel ashamed when people of HK fell into the trap of western narrative esp this group of supposedly young and educated people. It is ok to get away with murder in HK. It betrays a deep prejudice and colonial mindset of Hkers against other Chinese. They have been “superior” to other Chinese by serving their British overlords. When they down and out, it must be the fault of other Chinese. There is no merit criticizing china, they are doing very well – please keep your own house in order. HK is a symbolism of the Chinese age of despair, a humiliation of a great civilization at the hands of aggressive and evil imperial powers. The return of HK is closure to this episode. But Flying a BRITISH FLAG – oh come on! This is shamless betrayal. Reopening a wound of the heart. Is this HK democracy or pure spinelessness? I have not seen any former colonies, no matter how poor, hungry or stupid, go ask their former slave masters to return. Are these guys so sad and incompetent without a strong white shoulder to lean on? This is ideological servitude from a successful British education. An education that closed the mind drained the soul They cannot differentiate between democracy with its freedom of speech within their own system and treason/subversion of the China’s political system . they are on country 2 systems, they should be mindful their side of the bargain and not be egged or sponsored by foreign powers to subvert the mainland. Do understand that there is no fair fight in politics and the second prize is death Freedom is not independence, neither is it dependence on the Brits. Freedom is not democracy either. It only occurs when one understands and is at peace with oneself and with one’s own identity. They have been manipulated into protests and policies that sabotage their own future. Esp on public housing. They need to demonstrate ask their gov to release more land for housing rather than allowing property tycoons to control the market and run the prices sky-high. Chinese housing is cheap, keep that option open. Keep in mind that when housing prices ease, another huge group of home owner will democratically protest that eh gov had not kept the housing prices i.e. net worth up as their wealth has been locked into this sky-high prices.
HK is in an enviable position to latch onto the Pearl delta powerhouse. It is also the exact future that they rejected. HK is embroiled in geopolitics and their people is playing right into it. The west wants to see a Tiananmen in HK right on the anniversary. HKers are providing the script, the props, stage to tap china into another age of embargo. Yes, the scheme to return HK to it’s Opium war privileged position is untenable. This will bring dishonor to the Chinese race. As such, they border on being ethnic traitors/turncoats- a title reserved the most villainous. If you beat up people, expect to be beaten, if you throw rocks, expect to be to be hit. If you wreck public property, expect to be met with the law. If you want to start a nation, expect to shed blood. If you advocate anarchy, do not expect prosperity. If you dishonor a race, do not expect sympathy or charity. Even is you are auctioned off as a slave, not one will buy because you bear no faith in what you are. Whilst there are true socioeconomic grievances, address those directly. We understand that. Truly sick and tired on MSM playing that democracy BS, foreign intelligence orchestrating and bankrolling the show and HKers dancing naked to the anarchistic tune. The recent findings of specialized explosives in terror cells in HK, is strong evidence that covert foreign forces are at play. HK is fast becoming a Northern Ireland except they only have an Anglo we dream to fight for. Those guys better wise up because it is either martial law or abandonment. China will not sacrifice itself for a small city like HK, so the latter is more possible. Whichever way, HKers are screwed by these jokers, I feel for the silent majority but they need to voice out and proactively stop this madness. Their future is in their own hands.
追看你的BLOG有一段時間, 第一次留言, 依家用YOUTUBE版, 更有親切感, 有引用本人於6月30日在自己地盤的帖文回應:
所謂"送中條例"正式名稱應是"逃犯条例修订草案(2019)。首先聲明, 不打算在這裡討論政治,只藉此還在發展中的事件, 跟大家分享應用在投機市場的一些看法。
1. 太過有自信
孤注一擲, 沒有考慮當事情逆轉時的應對, 只懂勇往直前。市場與政治一樣, 一天都嫌長, 總有不能預計的黑天鵝事件。
2. 止損的重要
開始出現錯誤, 不會止損, 反而不停加碼, 使損失擴大, 造成不可挽回的境況, 不懂收拾殘局。
3. 認識自己
蘇格拉底名言:人類最大的智慧是認識自己。又有人言:別的的聖杯可能是你的墓碑。作為行政人員, 執行主子的命令可以做得十分出色; 但作為政治人物需要更高層次的視野。如兩特質的人角色互調, 結果可能是災難。
市場操作亦然, 跟別人的單子作買賣,結果也是災難性的。
筫易戰沒有人會知結果, 甚至連主事者的習大大和川普(特朗普)都不能掌握(因不知對方反應, 迧自己下一步怎樣走可能也未必知道), 大家又何必庸人自擾? 跌多了又會漲起來, 升多了又會跌下去, 這是正常不過的事情, 選好股, 跌多了買一點, 漲多了可以賣一點鐘(不賣也沒關係, 只要穩定有股息收就可以啦)。
投資可以很輕鬆的事情, 不必為了一兩個推特(TWITTER)而寢食難安。
刪除I really feel ashamed when people of HK fell into the trap of western narrative esp this group of supposedly young and educated people. It is ok to get away with murder in HK. It betrays a deep prejudice and colonial mindset of Hkers against other Chinese. They have been “superior” to other Chinese by serving their British overlords. When they down and out, it must be the fault of other Chinese.
回覆刪除There is no merit criticizing china, they are doing very well – please keep your own house in order.
HK is a symbolism of the Chinese age of despair, a humiliation of a great civilization at the hands of aggressive and evil imperial powers. The return of HK is closure to this episode. But Flying a BRITISH FLAG – oh come on! This is shamless betrayal. Reopening a wound of the heart. Is this HK democracy or pure spinelessness? I have not seen any former colonies, no matter how poor, hungry or stupid, go ask their former slave masters to return. Are these guys so sad and incompetent without a strong white shoulder to lean on? This is ideological servitude from a successful British education. An education that closed the mind drained the soul
They cannot differentiate between democracy with its freedom of speech within their own system and treason/subversion of the China’s political system . they are on country 2 systems, they should be mindful their side of the bargain and not be egged or sponsored by foreign powers to subvert the mainland. Do understand that there is no fair fight in politics and the second prize is death
Freedom is not independence, neither is it dependence on the Brits. Freedom is not democracy either. It only occurs when one understands and is at peace with oneself and with one’s own identity.
They have been manipulated into protests and policies that sabotage their own future. Esp on public housing. They need to demonstrate ask their gov to release more land for housing rather than allowing property tycoons to control the market and run the prices sky-high. Chinese housing is cheap, keep that option open.
Keep in mind that when housing prices ease, another huge group of home owner will democratically protest that eh gov had not kept the housing prices i.e. net worth up as their wealth has been locked into this sky-high prices.
HK is in an enviable position to latch onto the Pearl delta powerhouse. It is also the exact future that they rejected.
回覆刪除HK is embroiled in geopolitics and their people is playing right into it. The west wants to see a Tiananmen in HK right on the anniversary. HKers are providing the script, the props, stage to tap china into another age of embargo. Yes, the scheme to return HK to it’s Opium war privileged position is untenable. This will bring dishonor to the Chinese race. As such, they border on being ethnic traitors/turncoats- a title reserved the most villainous.
If you beat up people, expect to be beaten, if you throw rocks, expect to be to be hit. If you wreck public property, expect to be met with the law. If you want to start a nation, expect to shed blood. If you advocate anarchy, do not expect prosperity. If you dishonor a race, do not expect sympathy or charity. Even is you are auctioned off as a slave, not one will buy because you bear no faith in what you are.
Whilst there are true socioeconomic grievances, address those directly. We understand that. Truly sick and tired on MSM playing that democracy BS, foreign intelligence orchestrating and bankrolling the show and HKers dancing naked to the anarchistic tune.
The recent findings of specialized explosives in terror cells in HK, is strong evidence that covert foreign forces are at play. HK is fast becoming a Northern Ireland except they only have an Anglo we dream to fight for. Those guys better wise up because it is either martial law or abandonment. China will not sacrifice itself for a small city like HK, so the latter is more possible. Whichever way, HKers are screwed by these jokers, I feel for the silent majority but they need to voice out and proactively stop this madness. Their future is in their own hands.
民主自由, 聽起是來多理想, 實行起來有它表面的一半理想嗎? 為什麼值得不惜代價爭取? 而且還要是由逃不出去的人來付?
回覆刪除主流媒體並不會替你分析, 它們只是在不斷美化暴力, 以及滋養, 散播更多的仇恨. 它用各種方式告訴你, 其實大家心裏都渴望革命, 而暴力, 就是達成目的的必要手段, 大家都應該去復仇, 也應該要理解群眾的怨恨... 而不想革命的, 只有黑社會和既得利益者.
想結束這種局面, 我想讉責暴力可能就是唯一能做的事情吧? 可惜, 我沒有這種改變社會的遠大理想, 只想順應時勢, 活好自己而已, 抱歉.
如果真心愛香港, 係唔應該去攪亂呢個地方~~
刪除理智的話, 有立場不是問題, 反而可以立闊討論
刪除本身香港已經問題多多. 全球第一貴城市, 當中代價是多少, 只有將來回首先會量化得到
回覆刪除老實說, 兩邊都互有對錯...站在中間指出有問題的地方會不停被兩邊指罵的...就算自己在家裡討論也有這個很深的感受...
止凡兄 打擾了, 今天看到有個新聞真的不吐不快, 請不要見怪:
而那個浸大會長買的10支紫光鐳射激光筆是絕對不適合用來觀星或講課的( 在電視畫面中 也可以看出光線的軌跡不太明顯, 所以綠色雷射的激光筆才是用來觀星的)。
而且18cm長,450元一支價位的鐳射筆功率很大,很危險。 連續使用的時間也很短,絕不會在上課講學用的。
而會長被捕時一時說是電筒,一時又說是買來觀星的,那就是明顯在說謊了(觀星不會買這類的)。 猜想一下 他真正的目的 和為他辯護的那些人,我感到不寒而慄。
刪除本身是泌尿外科醫生的公民黨立法會議員郭家麒就批評,警方說法不合科學常識,又舉例平時醫療用鐳射,需於近距離射腎石約半個小時之後,才能令直徑5毫米的腎石粉碎,而醫用鐳射的能量是市面上買到的鐳射筆的1000倍,按平方反比定律(inverse-square law),示威者遠距離射向警員的鐳射,大約是「碎腎石的能量的一億分之一」。他形容警方指觀星筆可傷害警員的說法是「白痴」,呼籲警方決定起訴前,先到政府化驗所檢驗有關證物,或到衞生署參考醫用鐳射的資料。......
我想說激光的光束很狹窄,並且十分集中,所以有很強的威力。相反,燈光分散向各個方向轉播,所以強度很低。 郭家麒醫生所說的平方反比定律應不適用於雷射吧.
還有這句「就算使用醫用鐳射光,指引也是只需要用普通眼罩保護雙眼」, 原因是不會直射入眼吧.
激光輻射對眼睛照射,可以產生非常大的危害。這是因為眼睛有有效的感光特性,使含色素較多的 組織受到較強的輻照,從角膜到視網膜的輻照度增加,約相等於瞳孔面積與視網膜上的影像面積之 比。輻照度增大的原因是為進入瞳孔的光在視網膜上聚焦成一點,此時輻照度就增大了數十萬倍。 能量的吸收導致局部發熱並燒壞色素上皮和感光細胞。這種燒傷或損傷可以導致視力的喪失。這種 視力喪失是否永久性,取決於照射的強度。視網膜的周邊只有在發生嚴重損傷時,患者才會察覺 到。小的周邊損傷是較難察覺的。
第三b級(Class 3b):5mW~500mW,對視網膜有立即的傷害
你好Ming Siu,
刪除其實功率5mW也對視網膜有立即的傷害, 5mW的$10多到幾拾有交易, 400多的至少50mW吧, 叫郭家麒用眼試試, 竟說可傷害警員的說法是「白痴」!!!!!!!
刪除我覺得最令人關注是, 購買便會惹來懷疑並即拘捕的動作......到底[合理懷疑]點為之合理? 警方也提到商品上找不到說明, 那麼同學又如何得知這是個Walt數有傷害性的筆?
刪除最近經常有人在附近入屋爆竊, 而你又在附近經過被搜查出爆門工具, 又沒有合理解釋為什麼持有, 就是合理懷疑了. 又例如附近經常有人用火水縱火, 而你又在附近購買了大量火水被搜查出, 又沒有合理解釋用途, 就是合理懷疑了.
刪除現在太少人能理性持平,是其是,非其非,多謝止凡兄為香港發聲。我自問都好持平,近日係fb 説話都要小心,一句唔啱比人小到飛起,但我覺得都係要做下去,中間和理非要有人出聲。
要有合理懷疑才可拉. 一個人買10支4200元的雷射筆, 說是觀星用. 但正如上面那位說, 這款不是觀星筆, 觀星是用綠色鐳射的, 你可上網GOOGLE一下. 因為他的理由出現疑點, 所以拉他是合理.
朋友, 你沒有看別人的說明吧(因為綠色光線的軌跡非常清楚).觀星(指星)只會用綠色光的, 是常識. 不是法例規定的, 而是他買的那種不適合指星啊.
刪除有合理懷疑用來犯罪就可以拉. 如在你背包搜出10把牛刀, 哈哈.
剛發現fb上有位ah lo的留言是一個問題,也回覆了一些意見。
回覆刪除謝謝你的提醒:Stay calm and cool-headed.
很奇怪泛民仲係處處維護做錯事的人...明眼人一睇丟磚, 放燃燒彈, 用激光燈, 阻人工作...就知年青人受人教唆, 其他就模仿...
回覆刪除希望政府多些在不同媒體(如FACEBOOK,報章/裝上廣告)多方面全方位宣傳政府有回應遊行人士訴求,政府未來的行動和辯解不當指責, 勿讓一般市民覺得政府無能, 做錯了事,縮頭烏龜, 只有解放軍才可以解決問題,.